Special Projects

Our business was built on the innovation and creativity of engineers working on projects in sheds—robots, drones, race cars, and everything in between. Special Projects is a dedicated department of RPDK that focuses on projects requiring the development of specific solutions that aren’t necessarily large-volume commercial products.

The Special Projects team focuses on developing complex, low-volume solutions, such as medical test equipment, industrial robotics, production line automation systems, drones, and other large systems.

Scope of Special Projects

Special Projects has been established to dedicate a team to clients who are not seeking to launch high-volume products but instead to develop systems, machines, robotics, and larger equipment or installations.

Robotics and Automation

We develop various robotic and automation systems, including customised machine building, production line automation, and industrial robotics. Additionally, we have created robotics and UAVs for ground, air, and sea applications where conditions or circumstances prevent human access. As well as being regular competitors on the BBC TV Show Robot Wars!

Testing and Control Systems

With our extensive experience in mass manufacturing, we specialise in developing automated test systems for production line operations, equipment installations, and various other applications. We also work closely with medical and industrial partners to design diagnostic and automated test systems for complex processes or hazardous environments that require remote access.

Installations and Creations

Our experience has frequently led us into the realms of set design, artistic installations, games, and other creative projects. This encompasses everything from internet-connected marketing campaigns to robotics in movie sets. We have collaborated with TV production, museums, advertising agencies, and more, to create the grand, the eccentric, and the unconventional.

Recent Projects

We’ve worked on a broad range of projects, both public and confidential. If you’re considering a project but haven’t seen something close to what you need, it’s worth giving us a call and hearing about a few more of our projects!

Automated Line Test Equipment

We recently collaborated with an international brewery to create automated test systems for their production line. The product involved multiple pumps, valves, and pressure vessels, each with critical tolerances that must be verified during production. Our team developed an automated system that could be connected to the device to mimic the operations of a full-bar beer font setup. This allowed us to ensure that each function operated within expected tolerances before the products were shipped. As a result, the production line test time was reduced by over an hour per unit, and warranty claims in the field decreased by over 50%.

AI Powered IVDR Medical Diagnostics

Many processes in the medical industry are still carried out manually, relying on human knowledge and experience. Whilst this is often the default due to the complexity of medical device regulations, we can increasingly support businesses in automating this work. Time saved here and improved accuracy are lifesaving. This IVDR Class 2B device was developed to automate the process of sperm analysis in IVF, cutting the cost of IVF treatment by up to 90%, coupled with the client’s novel AI software for carrying out the analysis.

Production Line Tooling

Creating a truly unique product often requires equally unique tooling. We have collaborated with numerous clients to design custom tooling and systems for their products. One of our notable projects was working with Notpla, a company dedicated to developing materials and products to reduce plastic usage. Together, we created a range of solutions to manufacture several of their products. This involved designing a specialised extrusion and cutting machine tailored to the innovative materials used.

Get in Touch

To find out more about how we can help you drive innovation and manufacturing in your business, get in touch.